Jesse Altman

Salesforce Architect

Useful Google Chrome Extensions for Salesforce

From my experience, there is a general consensus that Google Chrome is one of the best web browsers currently available. Tools like the Developer Tools allow users who understand what they are doing to edit the DOM and styles and monitor performance. On top of all that, Google Chrome provides the best suite of JavaScript debugging through the JavaScript Console and the ability to set breakpoints. Knowing Google Chrome has all of these features, it is the obvious choice for a Salesforce developer to use. Those who use Salesforce for their business are always looking for ways to improve the way they operate it — whether this is by going on to integrate their software so they can empower the sales and marketing team, through online education, or through extensions. With that thought in mind, how can we make Google Chrome even better? Let’s take a look at some cool Google Chrome Extensions that make life with Salesforce even better! Sandbox Favicon Extension

This is one of my favorite extensions. Have you ever been logged into a sandbox and production at the same time? Of course you have! This makes it even easier to distinguish between the two environments. This simple extension will add a small S over the cloud Favicon in your browser’s tab. It makes switching between tabs incredibly simple. LOGINS

Keeping with that idea that you are constantly switching between environments, wouldn’t it be nice to have all of those logins stored in an easy to use location? Well, this extension will allow you to save and group together all of your Salesforce login info and make logging into an org a single click process. Enhanced Formula Editor

This extension is incredibly useful for anyone who has even written even a semi-complicated formula. This extension will change your formula editor to have syntax highlighting, tabbing, parenthesis matching, and even find and replace. With that said, there are two small downsides:

  • The Insert Field functionality will no longer work
  • Tabs count as spaces, so you could run into character limits on large formula Utility Belt

The Utility Belt is jam packed with different Salesforce functionality. Using the Utility Belt, you can quickly access Salesforce documentation, search against specific Salesforce sites, and even converts IDs from 15 digits to 18 digits. Quick Login As

The Quick Login As extension will allow a developer or an administrator even easier access to logging as as different users. This extension will display a popup of the user list on any given page within Salesforce and allow you to quickly login as any user you specify, keeping you on the currently viewed page. When you log out as that user, you also stay on the same page. Id Clipper Id Clipper makes it easy to copy a record’s Id to the clipboard. All you need to do is be on a record with a Salesforce Id in the URL bar and click a small icon to copy the Id.

Salesforce Navigator

Salesforce Navigator is an awesome extension that is still relatively new. Matt Lacey has a very good article on its capabilities, but essentially it will allow you to search for any screen you can find in the admin from any page. On top of that, it is even looping in the Tooling API to allow cool things like adding custom fields on the fly.

Grey Tab

Grey Tab is a neat extension that provides useful information about the current state of the page at the developer’s fingertips. It can provide the developer with the ability to see certain session information (User Id, Org Id, Session Id, etc.) as well as certain record details using sObject Describe. An interesting aspect of Grey Tab is that it is open source so you can customize it yourself if you would like to contribute as well.

Launch It!

Developed by Harshit Pandey, this simple application makes transitioning between Salesforce1 and your normal Salesforce instance a single button click.

Toggle It!

Also developed by Harshit Pandey, this application provides convenient functionality for turning off Salesforce’s Development Mode. This can make life much easier when working with Google Chrome’s Developer Tools.

As it turns out, Google Chrome isn’t just the best browser on the web, it is the best browser for Salesforce too! There are a few more plugins I haven’t discussed here, but you can check them out on the Chrome Web Store. Also, if you truly want to represent your love for everything Salesforce, you can even skin your browser with the unofficial Salesforce theme! Enjoy!