Jesse Altman

Software Architect

GitHub Gists!

A good friend, Peter Knolle, has been pushing me to move my code into GitHub now for a few weeks. It wasn’t until recently when I saw that Andy Fawcett has had great success sharing his work on GitHub that really motivated me to make the move. He recently had a great addition to his Declarative Rollup Summary Tool from the community. In the past, I enjoyed working with the open source community. Years ago, I participated in the WordPress community. It was a great experience and I am excited to do more! For those of you who aren’t familiar with GitHub:

GitHub is a web-based hosting service for software development projects that use the Git revision control system. GitHub offers both paid plans for private repositories, and free accounts for open source projects.


If you are new to Git and interested in getting started, check out my series on version control, specifically my Intro to Git article.

Useful Links:

I don’t really have any useful repos available right now, but hopefully in the future I can start contributing more. For now, I will be posting my code as Gists for each of my articles. Join GitHub and let’s get the community moving more towards an open source movement!