Jesse Altman

Salesforce Architect

Summer ’14 Feature Alert: Query Plan Tool

In the Salesforce’s Summer ’14 release, a new feature is being added to the Developer Console that is going to change the way you work on SOQL queries. The Query Plan Tool will give every developer insight on any individual query’s performance metrics. We all know one of the most time consuming activities in programming

ApexMocks: Setup

In my last two posts, I covered why using ApexMocks is beneficial and how ApexMocks works. In this post, I will cover how to deploy ApexMocks into one of your orgs. In order to deploy ApexMocks, we will utilize the Migration Tool. While it isn’t necessary to know this tool in depth, you should

ApexMocks: How Does It Work?

Last week, I wrote an article about writing real unit tests on the platform for the first time using ApexMocks. What Paul Hardaker (@comic96) has been able to do using ApexMocks is a big step for developers. We now have the capability of testing singular units of code quickly. I have already discussed

Real Unit Tests using ApexMocks

Almost a year ago, I wrote an article on Proper Unit Test Structure in Apex. In that article I state: A unit test is typically described as: a method by which individual units of source code, sets of one or more computer program modules together with associated control data, usage procedures, and operating procedures, are

Speaking at Salesforce Events

Glossophobia, or speech anxiety, is the fear of public speaking. A study performed by the National Institute of Mental Health on November 23, 2013 concluded that a whopping 74% of people suffer from speech anxiety. That means 3 out of every 4 people fear speaking in front of an audience. Now, with every phobia, there

Salesforce1 Developer Week Was Amazing!

Saturday, May 3rd, 2014, concluded Salesforce1 Developer Week. It was awesome! I had so much fun working with the Lehigh Valley Salesforce Developer User Group this week. Being able to participate with user groups in 60+ cities around the world, all working in conjunction to teach the Salesforce1 platform was just an amazing experience. We

Salesforce1 Developer Week Begins!

Yesterday, April 27, 2014, began Salesforce1 Developer Week! Salesforce1 Developer Week is a huge, global effort by Salesforce to have 60+ Developer Groups spanning across 22 countries work together towards a shared goal, experiencing the Salesforce1 Platform. Having seen “the man behind the curtain” by being a DUG organizer myself, I can tell you Salesforce’s

GitHub Gists!

A good friend, Peter Knolle, has been pushing me to move my code into GitHub now for a few weeks. It wasn’t until recently when I saw that Andy Fawcett has had great success sharing his work on GitHub that really motivated me to make the move. He recently had a great addition to his

StackExchange API on Salesforce!

As you probably already know, I am a huge fan of the Salesforce StackExchange. I recently learned that the StackExchange actually has an API exposed to pull information out of their system. I thought it would be fun to examine how we could pull some of that information into Salesforce. This article will focus on

Dependency Injection in Apex

The concepts of Inversion of Control (IoC) and Dependency Injection are well known in the traditional development world. I won’t delve into either concepts too deeply as others have done it in more detail and better than I can – Martin Fowler, James Shore, etc. The main idea behind these concepts is to remove explicit