Jesse Altman

Software Architect


Importance of Salesforce StackExchange

I have been an active member of the Salesforce StackExchange community now for over 10 months. Although recently I haven’t been able to contribute as much to the site as I would like, I am still one of the top contributors there. The Salesforce StackExchange is a question and answer community where users come with

Delete Confirmation Popup

Have you ever overridden the View page of an object but still wanted the Delete functionality? Well, Salesforce has a Javascript function you can utilize to make implementing the original Delete confirmation box extremely simple. [html] [/html] When you click a button like above, you will get a popup that looks like: The reason this

Unique, Non Required Field Oddity

Salesforce provides the ability to mark fields as required and as unique. These options work exactly as you would expect them to work. If you try to submit a record with an empty required field, you get an error. If you try to submit a unique field with a duplicate value, you get an error.

Generate a Set of Ids from a List of Objects

Have you ever found yourself with a list of objects and all you really wanted from that list was a Set of their Ids? Maybe you were planning on performing a SOQL query using those Ids in the WHERE clause or maybe you just needed the Ids to check a Map? I am guessing your

Conserve DML Statements

Apex provides a robust framework for working with the data inside of Salesforce called DML(Data Manipulation Language) statements. DML statements consist of a few different operations. These operations include the commonly used insert, update, upsert, delete, undelete, and merge. These DML statements come with certain governor limits: Description Limit Total number of DML statements issued1


Was everything running smoothly and then all of a sudden you started seeing this? System.EmailException: SendEmail failed. First exception on row 0; first error: NO_MASS_MAIL_PERMISSION, Single email is not enabled for your organization or profile. Single email must be enabled for you to use this feature.: [] If you have, you are not alone. I

Passing Parameters To a Report Through The URL

One of the most powerful features of Salesforce is the ability to consolidate all of the information in your organization into easy to digest reports and dashboards. Users with the ability to create reports will find all of the functionality they need on the Reports tab. Anyone who has worked with Reports before can testify

Difference between the multiple messaging options in Visualforce?

I have always been curious what are the exact differences between all of the messaging options Visualforce provides, such as <apex:message>, <apex:messages>, <apex:pageMessage>, and <apex:pageMessages>. The description the Salesforce documentation provides can be rather cryptic. <apex:message> A message for a specific component, such as a warning or error. If an or component is not included

SOQL vs SOSL – Which to use and when?

SOQL and SOSL both search Salesforce for different types of information. Often times, when first starting with Salesforce, it can be unclear which to use and when to use each one. This begs the question: What arguments can be made to use SOQL or SOSL? When would you use one over the other? What is